Submissions Page: Y’all Need a Copy Editor

Hire a damn copy editor, will you? Oops image by iStock Photo.

Calling all grammar nerds!

Got a written blooper for us? Send it in! Write “Y’all Need a Copy Editor” in the subject line of your message so that you don’t get lost in our spam filters. Please include your name, location (city and state or country), email, and source details (either a direct link or the name and location of your offline source). If you’d like direct credit, shoot us one website link or social handle along with your submission.


Disclaimer stuff (read this please): By submitting to Words Collide, you are confirming that any photographs or commentary you send us are your own. We reserve the right to remove your work immediately if we discover plagiarism or receive a complaint. Words Collide is regretfully unable to answer individual submissions. Submitting does not create any obligation for us-that means we can’t promise that we will publish, only that we might. Entries are unpaid.