Work with Me!

Need a parenting quote fast?
Not only am I a foster-adoptive mother, but also I have two biological children. I have direct experience with adoption, foster care, pregnancy and birth stories, rural living, and modern parenting.
Looking for a quick interview with a print media expert outside the U.S. coastal zones? Drop me a note with your deadline and let me know what you need, and we can take it from there.
See some of the places I've been quoted!
"Healthy Breakfast on a School Morning? It's Not So Hard"
I don't recall which outlet this interview was originally intended for when I agreed to talk school morning meals. The story got picked up by the AP and went national, so versions have appeared in multiple newspapers and television station sites.
"The 25 Best Gifts for Writers in Your Life"
I spoke to about the best gift ideas for writers! Check out the top 25 suggestions from me and other writers in this article.
"Pregnant and Stressed? Here’s How Others Coped"
Our first delivery was early and rough. I shared part of my precipitous labor story with author Lauren Krouse for the Kopa health app.
"Learning Differences in Kids: What You Need to Know and When to Seek Support"
I chatted with author Ronit Plank about our experiences identifying learning differences and seeking educational supports for two of our children.
"Parent-Tested (And Free!) Ideas for Entertaining Kids at Home"
Keeping kids occupied when you still have to work is a perennial topic, and I do a lot of it. I try my best to offer new or unique tips with each interview, as I did here for Northwestern Mutual.
"Moms Reveal Their Secrets to Keeping Kids Busy at Home This Summer"
Ain't no terror like a bored child terror, am I right? Been there, done that, and I happily joined a group of fellow moms in sharing pointers and ideas at SheKnows.
"How to Work from Home with Kids Around"
I've worked from home with babies and toddlers for five years running. I spoke to Poynter about some of the ways we fit in work time. This article was also published on Motherly.
"Six Challenges of Being Pregnant While Parenting, Plus Tips for Making It Work"
I talked birth stories, pregnant parenthood, and labor prep with other moms at* We've always had more than one child in our household from day one of parenthood, so we've had to learn coping techniques for coordinating multiple children all along.
*Disclaimer: I'm not from Missouri, I've never lived in Missouri, and I've never been to Missouri. That's a goof. This is my interview.
"Why Your Family's Secret Language is Good for Kids"
Growing up in a linguist's family, it was perhaps unsurprising that we developed our own internal communication shorthand, a tradition that has continued with my own kids. This interview with National Geographic hardly scratched the surface of our multi-generational family dialect.
"9 Families Share Their 4th of July Family Traditions"
Summer fun for everyone! Holidays have extra-deep meaning in our home, and Independence Day is close to our hearts. We talked all about holiday celebrating with Parents.

Are you a brand searching for timely and accurate product reviews?
I do that, too! If your brand represents anything related to writing, parenting, cooking, or remote work, contact me to discuss your proposal.
In the meantime, you can check out this piece I wrote for USA Today's Reviewed.
Need a freelance writer? I've written for local newspapers, the NYT, various blogs, and several regional and national digital publications. Talk to me about your story!
If Democratic primary voters are looking for a candidate that can attract the middle-American, working class, white demographic — which some argue is the key to winning in 2020 — the candidates from the Mountain West would seem to be good options.

Bitterroot Mag
I had hoped, dearest, that our youngster’s previous brushes with violet kinetic sand on her bedroom carpet and emerald play dough stains on her bedsheets would have proved themselves valuable lessons. It seems I was wrong.

The Syndrome
Foster care is intended to provide children a safe place to live until they can return to their families of origin — or alternative permanent arrangements can be made. States practice concurrent planning, which means that if a child cannot safely be reunited, some foster parents may eventually be granted the opportunity to adopt children in their care. The process usually takes years.

Good Housekeeping