Do you need a cover letter?
February 20, 2025Some modern experts say no. Here’s why I think cover letters are essential to the job hunt. Ahhh, cover letters. The job hunting tool everybody loves to hate. They’re clunky, they take up precious time, and we fear that no one reads them anyway. We’re solidly into the 2020s, so do you need a cover letter? Or are cover letters outdated? Well, for starters, it’s true. Cover letters add to the time commitment for each application, and usually when one crosses my desk, it needs serious help. That’s partly because of common misunderstandings over how to write a cover letter.…
To make space for more memories, I’m deleting the outtakes
I started this week with about 16,600 photos stashed on my personal computer. I didn’t check the beginning numbers on my phone’s archive, but after an hour of sorting and deleting on both devices, I still had…
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December 13, 2018How to talk to your kids about Ukraine: a homeschool lesson plan
Right now, there is no more significant global event in our national conversation than Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and we believe it's imperative for us to be talking to kids about Ukraine. As homeschoolers, we were taught…
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Feeling too frazzled to write? Just write one page
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When women talk about the structural impossibility of winning at both motherhood and career, and when working mothers vent our exasperation at always taking the hits whenever one of our children is sick, this is what we…
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My essay contest entry was rejected. This is what I did
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News publications often write dummy headlines before inserting the final version. In the context of heightened international tensions, Bloomberg News made an incredibly irresponsible pick.
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February 4, 2022Y’all Need a Copy Editor: Do a photo background check, please!
Why it’s wrong: Actress Emily Deschanel is posed in front of several colorful words that represent her show’s brand: "Observe! Analyze!" Except, thanks to unfortunate subject placement, that’s not what it says at all.
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Y’all Need a Copy Editor: Bloomberg News, are you TRYING to start a war?
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Y’all Need a Copy Editor is a column dedicated to the kinds of sloppy mistakes that can embarrass a brand, diminish a minority group, or undermine a key message.
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Y’all Need a Copy Editor: Do a photo background check, please!
February 4, 2022Y’all Need a Copy Editor: Bloomberg News, are you TRYING to start a war?
February 5, 2022The candy is going to fall: How to handle problems at work
Succeeding as a writer depends on learning to cope and handle problems at work. The daily challengers aren't going anywhere, so waiting for the perfect moment, isn't going to get you very far.
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It’s tough to be a working mother with sick kids
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